Posted : July 27, 2024


COTTON: The U.S. 2023/24 cotton supply and demand projections are unchanged this month, with ending stocks forecast at 2.5 million bales or 18 percent of total disappearance. The marketing year price received by upland cotton producers is projected to average 76 cents per pound, a decrease of 1 cent from last month.

The global cotton supply and demand estimates for 2023/24 show higher trade and lower ending stocks compared with last month. World production and consumption are mostly unchanged. World trade for 2023/24 is projected 700,000 bales higher this month to nearly 44 million, as a 1.3-million-bale increase in China’s imports is only partially offset by reductions for Pakistan and Indonesia. Brazil, Australia, and Turkey exports are all projected higher. Ending stocks for 2023/24 are projected down nearly 300,000 bales this month as lower stocks across West Africa, Australia, and Brazil more than offset higher supplies in China.

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